a few words about miss chelsea elizabeth...

she likes: making kites, dancing in the rain, adventures, little-while friends, letters, whole-leaf tea, crayons, bare feet, jumping in rivers/streams/creeks/waterfalls, language, catching the clock as it changes numbers, sleepovers, trains (big or small), cuddling & waking up before the sun rises, among other random things.

oregon-born, seattle-raised, bellingham-bred and franco-refined, she had moved back to the states from her affairs across the atlantic & now resides in columbia city with french husband & love of her life rémy. they spend most of their time taming the garden, taking care of their three chickens & two cats, and preparing the urban homestead for a new little chick of their own.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


We only have this much time left until we arrive in Seattle!!!


erin said...


erin said...

also, could you add an option to subscribe to follow-up comments via email? that would give me great peace of mind while trying to fall asleep at night.

i am madame said...

how do i do that???

i am madame said...

holy shit!!!!